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Bullying can present itself in several forms. Sometimes an individual may be subject to frequent physical attacks; however, the more common form of bullying is not physical but mental. Often mental bullying or abuse is experienced at work, in the home, and in educational situations. Victims of bullying may experience verbal abuse, manipulation, name-calling, isolation, rumour spreading or other types of bullying. Hypnotherapy works to take on bullying by increasing a person’s confidence, making them feel stronger and developing a voice to deal with the situation and the person who is bullying them. It’s much easier when confidence is on your side and self-belief is present. Confidence gives the person the strength and self-esteem to believe they have the power to stand up for themselves.

I can help with:

  • Removing feelings of helplessness that have been planted in your subconscious mind
  • Discovering confidence and the inner strength that will give you the skills to deal with situations of bullying and other challenging situations
  • Learning to relax and lower anxiety caused by being bullied

If you wish to discuss how hypnotherapy can help you with please get in touch and a FREE Initial consultation can be organised for you.

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Initial 25 minute consultation is free of charge

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National Council for Hypnotherapy
Association for Solution Focused Hypnotherapy
The British Psychological Society
Complementary and Natural Healthcard Council
Clifton Practice Hypontherapy Training